Saturday, January 2, 2010

Best of the Aughts

In the interest of satiating my compulsory need to make lists, here are some top tens of the past ten. Years.

Best Albums
1. Is This It - The Strokes
2. Kid A - Radiohead
3. Smile - Brian Wilson
4. Funeral - Arcade Fire
5. Songs for the Deaf - Queens of the Stone Age
6. White Blood Cells - The White Stripes
7. Madvillainy - Madvillain
8. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots - The Flaming Lips
9. Picaresque - The Decemberists
10. Return to Cookie Mountain - TV on the Radio

Best Songs
1. Hey Ya! - Outkast
2. Turnin' On the Screw - Queens of the Stone Age
3. Do You Realize?? - The Flaming Lips
4. The Mariner's Revenge Song - The Decemberists
5. Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz
6. I Wanna Make It Wit Chu - Desert Sessions
7. Takeover - Jay-Z
8. A Distorted Reality Is Now a Necessity to Be Free (Early Version) - Elliott Smith
9. Zero - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
10. Rebellion (Lies) - Arcade Fire

Best Movies
1. There Will Be Blood
2. Children of Men
3. The Dark Knight
4. Inland Empire
5. Knocked Up
6. Shaun of the Dead
7. Paranoid Park
8. I'm Not There
9. Idiocracy
10. Wet Hot American Summer

Best TV Shows
1. Arrested Development
2. Futurama
3. The Shield
5. 24
7. The Office (UK)
8. 30 Rock
9. Scrubs
10. South Park

1 comment:

Megan Justice said...

Just curious - why aren't Nine & Avatar on the movie list? I can see arguments for both not being there, I just want to hear them :P